Dynamic Analysis and Modeling Movement Transmission of Soil Construction Interaction
Abstract - 356


Limit component
Dynamic analysis
Finite component
Movement transmission

How to Cite

Hamidatou M, Lebdioui S, Hallal N, Matos JC, Tinoco J. Dynamic Analysis and Modeling Movement Transmission of Soil Construction Interaction. Glob. J. Earth Sci. Eng. [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];9:34-50. Available from: https://avantipublishers.com/index.php/gjese/article/view/1001


This paper defines the dynamic analysis and geometric demonstration of movement transmission and the dynamic soil-structure interaction using two different approaches: the finite component process and the limit component approach (EM). This mathematical process is an influential geometric approach right for dynamic tasks. In this item, we used very advanced and effective computer geometric converter approaches to study multifaceted difficulties. The fractional difference equation leading the motion is outcoming and resolved by EM. The influence of 3 dimensions on the movement transmission imitation (1D and 2D) has a conversed captivating effect, dependent on the different finite components kinds (triangles, rectangles, tall degree components). Geometric modeling of stifling is too discussed (Rayleigh checking). The finite component technique then treats a model of movement transmission owing to the vibration of a foundation. The limit component technique's capacities are remembered, and outcomes found through 2D and 3D mockups are planned. Numerous cases of dynamic soil-structure interaction (building, tunnel) are formerly pickled. The outcomes of these properties are discussed here.



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Copyright (c) 2022 Mouloud Hamidatou, Saad Lebdioui, Nassim Hallal, José Campos Matos, Joaquim Tinoco


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