Urban lake drainage systems are heavily impacted by terrain, soil characteristics, and precipitation, which influence water infiltration and groundwater movement. This study focused on the drainage catena around Lake Nokomis in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where local residents have experienced wet basements and yards. The primary goal was to identify the factors contributing to these water-related problems, particularly soil permeability and how it responds to precipitation. By conducting soil borings, using pressure transducers, and measuring saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs), the study compared upland and lowland areas. Findings indicated that upland soils, primarily composed of sandy fill, had much higher infiltration rates, with Kfs values ranging from 72.4 cm/hr to 149 cm/hr. In contrast, lowland areas characterized by lacustrine and organic soils exhibited significantly lower Kfs values, ranging from 1 cm/hr to 14.8 cm/hr. Between 2022 and 2024, wet and dry seasons occurred, yet recorded more than 127.5 cm of rain and snow water equivalent, further contributing to groundwater rise and surface water presence in low-lying regions. The study concluded that increased precipitation, coupled with specific hydrogeologic conditions, was the main factor causing elevated groundwater levels and surface saturation in these areas. To address these challenges, Minnesota's water management authorities are encouraged to implement strategies that consider the increasing magnitude and intensity of precipitation events due to climate change. Incorporating hydrogeologic assessments into urban planning is recommended to better manage water infiltration, reduce flood risks, and strengthen the resilience of drainage systems to changing climate patterns.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Harprabhjot K. Dhaliwal, Kerry Holmberg, Madeline Vogel, Aaron Hinz, Bella Radler , Joe Magner