Placer-Forming Cenozoic Mud-Volcano Genetic Type of Gold Mineralization in the Lena Area, Patom Highland, Russia
Abstract - 126


Gold deposits
mud volcanism
mud-volcano depression
gold placers
magnetite spherules
tier ore mineralization.

How to Cite

A.V. Tatarinov, L.I. Yalovik. Placer-Forming Cenozoic Mud-Volcano Genetic Type of Gold Mineralization in the Lena Area, Patom Highland, Russia. Glob. J. Earth Sci. Eng. [Internet]. 2014 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];1(1):24-33. Available from:


A genetic type of Cenozoic gold mineralization related to mud volcanoes is suggested to be recognized in the Lena area. This type of mineralization has never before been distinguished in the area and is genetically related to the development of depression mud-volcano structures on the northern continuation of the Baikal rift. Geological-geophysical data and results of lithological-petrographic and mineralogical studies of the mud-volcano lithological complex, naturally occurring microscorias, and ore minerals from the loose Quaternary rocks, as well as and comparison of the chemical composition of the latter with analogous minerals from the Sukhoi Log and Pervenets gold deposits, prove genetic links of economic placer deposits in the Lena area with mud volcanoes.


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