Triaxial Compression Test Results on DMC Samples Prepared by Using Different Soil Types
Abstract - 193


Cement, deep mixing method, fly ash, super plasticizer, Taguchi method, silty soil.

How to Cite

Y. Yenginar, M. Olgun. Triaxial Compression Test Results on DMC Samples Prepared by Using Different Soil Types. Glob. J. Earth Sci. Eng. [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];6(1):16-22. Available from:


 In this study, the effects of cement, fly ash and super plasticizer, improver materials by adding into the grout, on soil-binder mixing columns called as deep mixing columns (DMC) are investigated. Fly ash is a waste product emerging from burning in the thermal power plant. By evaluating waste materials in this way, environmental pollution will be reduced directly and cement usage and carbon emissions caused by cement production will be reduced indirectly. By using super plasticizer into the grout, less porous and permeable elements with more structural strength will be manufactured. In order to achieve these goals, an experimental program was developed using statistical and experimental design methods. It is desired to determine the optimum grout quantity and consistency required to maximize the strength of the column manufactured with DMM in silty soils and silty sands. For this purpose, the amounts of fly ash (0-40%), cement (3-11%), super plasticizer additive (0.5-2%) and water/binder percentage (0.5-1.25%) were chosen as variables to form grouting material. Experimental studies have been carried out using Taguchi method, which is a powerful optimization technique, using 5-parameter and 4-level L16 design table. Undrained-unconsolidated triaxial test specimens were prepared in PVC tubes with diameter of 47 mm and length of 100 mm for each design for curing time of 28 days. As a result of the experiments, deviator stress of the soil-binder mixture was found for each design.


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