The dramatic increase in renewable sources employment and the new trend to eliminate carbon emissions are the main reasons for using energy storage to overcome the fluctuation of Photovoltaic (PV) output. This paper aims to study the ability of PV solar system, to provide a significant fraction of utility systems energy demand in Jordan. MATLAB software was used to simulate algorithms in order to estimate the storage properties of Energy Capacity (EC), Power Capacity (PC), and Capacity Ratio (CR). These properties are mainly affected by the size of the PV system and the flexibility (ff) of the grid. The hourly generation data from the National Electric Power Company (NEPCO) were investigated to determine the most efficient way to feed PV-generated power into the grid.
It was found that for flexibilities (ff) values of 0.7, 0.8, and 1, the No-Dump (ND) PV system, which is the largest PV system that could deliver all its annual production to the grid without any need of spillage of the PV system size were 566.3MW, 998.4MW and 1.6 GW respectively.
Also, the relation between Energy Capacity of storage (EC) and Power Capacity (PC) was investigated, it was found that if storage installed with EC and PC equal to 24 GWh (almost 45% of average daily demand) and 3 GW (which is less than the peak hour demand) at ff=0.8, the penetration of PV energy will increase by 42% of annual demand compared with almost 10% without storage. Furthermore, if ff is increased to 1 in parallel to installing storage with energy capacity and power capacity equal to 52.7 GWh and 4.7GW, respectively, the PV penetration will increase to reach 68% of the annual demand compared to 16% without storage.
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