Electrochemical Degradation of Indigo Carmine Textile Dye Powered by Solar Photovoltaic Energy
Abstract - 334


Anodic oxidation
boron doped diamond electrodes
dye house effluents
photovoltaic solar energy.

How to Cite

Konstantinos Dermentzis, Dimitrios Stergiopoulos, Anastasios Moumtzakis. Electrochemical Degradation of Indigo Carmine Textile Dye Powered by Solar Photovoltaic Energy. Glob. J. Energy. Technol. Res. Updates. [Internet]. 2015 Jan. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 21];1(2):90-5. Available from: https://avantipublishers.com/index.php/gjetru/article/view/152


The proposed photovoltaic electro oxidation process combines the autonomous and environmentally friendly photovoltaic solar energy with the capability of electro oxidation at boron doped diamond electrodes to effectively decolorize and degrade indigo carmine textile dye from wastewater. The photovoltaic array can be connected directly to the electrochemical reactor without batteries increasing, in this way, the system sustainability and eliminating the environmental threat of improper battery disposal. The system is made versatile according to the instantaneous solar irradiation by adjusting the wastewater flow rate to the current intensity supplied by the photovoltaic panel. All operating parameters affecting the efficiency of the proposed process, such as wastewater conductivity, pH, flow rate, current density, electro processing time and solar irradiance were studied and optimal conditions were investigated. The experimental results showed that by applying current densities of 1, 2.5 and 5 mA cm2 the initial dye concentration of 100 mg L-1 in the treated wastewater was quantitatively eliminated in 45, 20 and 10 minutes of electro processing respectively. The process is appropriate for treatment of colored industrial textile dye house effluents and especially for applications in remote and isolated locations without connection to public electric grid.


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