This papers aims at optimizing the energy consumption of reactive distillation columns for simulation of biodiesel production. The design of the proposed biodiesel production uses lauric acid (C12H24O2) as feedstock in a reactive distillation column. In order to do so, selection has been done by selecting the design parameters of the column: the number of stages, feeding flows, reflux ratio, the height of the transfer unit as well as the analysis of the Sulzer BX packing. ASPEN PLUSTM simulation software has been used to work out the thermodynamic steady state of the system on which the optimization is based on. Energy optimization is carried out through the Pinch Point Analysis. Thus it has been proven that the Pinch Point Analysis allows optimization of the heat exchange network in a distillation column. Results showed that it is possible to reduce drastically the energy requirements of a distillation process up to 60 %. The heat exchange network showed that is promising to design more energy-efficient and environment-friendly distillation process for production of biodiesel.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Rangel-Hernández V.H.,, Chaveza-Rosa H., Niño Avendaño Andrés M.