Professor Hongxing Dai (H.X. Dai), male, Head of Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in College of Environmental and Energy Engineering at Beijing University of Technology, Scientist in heterogeneous catalysis. He obtained Ph.D. in Hong Kong Baptist University in 2001, and did postdoctoral work in Hong Kong Baptist University, University of California at Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory during 2001–2003.
He has been the member of Chinese Catalysis Society and Chinese Environmental Catalysis and Materials Committee. He has been conferred prestigious awards such as the Best Teacher Award, National Outstanding Ph.D. Student Supervisor Award, Excellent Teaching Award, etc. He is a editorial board member of 11 international journals. He serves as reviewer of more than 70 international reputed journals, and has obtained the Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing of three international renown journals.
He has been actively involved in attending the related academic conferences, such as the International Congress on Catalysis, Japan-China Workshop on Environmental Catalysis and Eco-materials, International Symposium on Zeolites and Microporous Crystals, Asia-Pacific Congress on Catalysis, International Mesostructured Materials Symposium, International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology, International Conference on Environmental Catalysis, the AIChE Annual Meeting, and International Symposium on Catalytic Science and Technology in Sustainable Energy and Environment. He has given a number of keynote and oral presentations.
Prof. Dai’s research work is focused on the controlled preparation, characterization, and catalytic applications of nanosized or porous metal oxides and their mixed oxides for the selective conversion of light hydrocarbons, combustion of CO, natural gas, and volatile organic compounds, and photocatalytic removal of organic pollutants.
He has published over 430 articles or abstracts in journals or conferences related to catalysis and nanomaterials, in which more than 160 papers have been published in the international renown journals (over 100 articles in journals with SCI factor > 3.0 (e.g., J. Catal.; Appl. Catal. B; Environ. Sci. Technol.; Nanoscale; Chem. Commun.; J. Mater. Chem. A; J. Phys. Chem. C; Inorg. Chem.; ChemSusChem; J. Hazard. Mater.; Appl. Catal. A; Catal. Today; Micropor. Mesopor. Mater.; Chem. Eng. J.; Catal. Commun.; J. Mol. Catal. A)). He has contributed as an author for 5 books. The total citation index is over 3000, and the h factor is 25.
Prof. H.X. Dai has guided 16 Ph.D. students and 22 M. Phil students and 11 are under progress. In the span of last 5 years, I have published 98 SCI journal articles and 24 Chinese cored journal articles, and given over 20 keynote or oral presentations and more than 120 posters. I have completed 4 major research projects (PI + Co-PI) funded by NSFC, MST, and NSF-BJ.