On the Linear Stability Problem for a Three-Layer Displacement in a Porous Media
Abstract - 171


Porous media
Hele-Shaw cells
Hydrodynamic stability
Surface tensions effects
Constant viscosity fluids
Saffman-Taylor instability

How to Cite

Pasa G. On the Linear Stability Problem for a Three-Layer Displacement in a Porous Media. Int. J. Pet. Technol. [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];9:8-13. Available from: https://avantipublishers.com/index.php/ijpt/article/view/1260


In this paper, we study the secondary oil recovery process. The oil from a porous reservoir at low pressure is pushed by a forerunner, less viscous fluid (a polymer solute). Then the well-known Saffman-Taylor instability appears. Some authors tried to minimize this instability by using a succession of intermediate liquids with constant viscosities - the multi-layer model. The surface tensions on the interfaces between liquid layers are a stabilizing factor. In some previous papers, we proved some contradictions of this multi-layer model. However, we considered that the corresponding stability problem has a solution. This model's first step (and the mathematical basis) is the three-layer model, with a single intermediate liquid. We prove that the linear stability problem for the three-layer model has no solution (in general) - the growth rates of perturbations may not exist. On the contrary, an intermediate liquid with a suitable variable viscosity can almost suppress the Saffman-Taylor instability, even if the surface tensions are missing [17].



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