Feasibility of CO2 Injection for Enhance Oil Recovery: A Case Study in the KMJ Layer of HKY Field
Abstract - 815


Swelling factor
Carbondioxide (CO2)
Enhance oil recovery (EOR)
Minimum miscibility pressure (MMP)

How to Cite

Kristanto D, Hariyadi, Yusgiantoro LA. Feasibility of CO2 Injection for Enhance Oil Recovery: A Case Study in the KMJ Layer of HKY Field. Int. J. Pet. Technol. [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];10:14-25. Available from: https://avantipublishers.com/index.php/ijpt/article/view/1397


Carbondioxide (CO2) injection is a very effective and proven technology for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) and oil swelling are two important factors of the CO2 gas displacement mechanism that occurs in the reservoir when CO2 injection is applied to enhance oil recovery. In this study, MMP determination between crude oil samples and CO2 gas has been conducted using three methods, i.e., empirical equation, correlations method, and laboratory experiment using slimtube. The determination of the swelling factor was conducted using a PVT cell, where recombined fluid is injected at the reservoir temperature. The MMP value from the empirical equation (2810 psig) is relatively close to the MMP value from the laboratory experiment (2807 psig), with a difference of 3 psig. The swelling test results show that the bubble point pressure and the swelling factor increase from 410 psig to 2200 psig and from 1.0 to 1.442, respectively, as the CO2 gas injection reaches 46.82% mole. Since the fracture pressure of the KMJ Layer in the HKY Field is 2200 psig and the MMP is 2807 psig, only immiscible CO2 flooding can be applied in the field because the CO2 MMP is higher than the fracture pressure.



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