Quantum Game Techniques Applied to Wireless Networks Communications
Abstract - 585


Game theory
Quantum Computation
Wireless Communications.

How to Cite

O.G. Zabaleta, & C.M. Arizmendi. (2014). Quantum Game Techniques Applied to Wireless Networks Communications. Journal of Advances in Applied & Computational Mathematics, 1(1), 3–7. https://doi.org/10.15377/2409-5761.2014.01.01.1


In order to analyze the power control problem, the wireless quantum network nodes are modeled as players at a quantum game. The power control problem is one of the most significant wireless communications challenges which characteristics make it proper to be modeled by means of game theory techniques. The problem results in non-cooperative game by nature, but, under quantum rules, a larger strategy space leads the players to choose a coalition strategy as the best option. Thus, the use of quantum game strategies makes possible the emergence of new equilibrium, which guarantees the best possible performance to the whole network. We show also that the whole network power consumption decreases when the intrinsic parallel behavior of quantum computation is capitalized. Moreover, the design of efficient medium access control algorithms is possible.


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