The development of fast convergent and computationally efficient algorithms for monitoring waveform distortions and harmonic emissions will be an important problem in future electrical networks due to the high penetration level of renewable energy systems, smart loads, new types of power electronics, and many others. Estimating the signal quantities in the moving window is the most accurate way of monitoring these distortions. Such estimation is usually associated with significant computational loads, which can be reduced by utilizing the recursion and information matrix properties. Rank two update representation of the information matrix allows the derivation of a new computationally efficient recursive form of the inverse of this matrix and recursive parameter update law. Newton-Schulz and Richardson correction algorithms are introduced in this paper to prevent error propagation and for accuracy maintenance. Extensive comparative analysis is performed on real data for proposed recursive algorithms and the Richardson algorithm with an optimally chosen preconditioner. Recursive algorithms show the best results in estimation with ill-conditioned information matrices.
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