Fuzzy Rough Subgroups on Approximation Space
Abstract - 220


Rough group
Rough subgroup
Fuzzy subgroups
Approximation space
Fuzzy rough subgroup

How to Cite

Bağırmaz, N. (2023). Fuzzy Rough Subgroups on Approximation Space . Journal of Advances in Applied & Computational Mathematics, 10, 65–70. https://doi.org/10.15377/2409-5761.2023.10.6


Fuzzy rough sets are a mathematical concept that combines fuzzy sets and rough sets to deal with uncertainty and incompleteness in data and information. In this study, different from the definition of Dubois and Prade (1990), the fuzzy rough set is defined within the framework of the rough group concept defined by Biswas and Nanda (1994), and some of its algebraic properties are discussed. Then, the concepts of fuzzy rough subgroup and fuzzy rough normal subgroup are introduced in the rough group. In addition, some basic features and examples of these concepts are given.

MSC (2010): Primary: 03E99, 20N99.



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