A Study of an EOQ Model of Deteriorated Items with Pentagonal Dense Fuzzy Demand Rate
Abstract - 145


EOQ model
Triangular dense fuzzy
Pentagonal dense fuzzy
Trapezoidal dense fuzzy

How to Cite

Maity, A., Hazra, J., & Pal, K. K. (2024). A Study of an EOQ Model of Deteriorated Items with Pentagonal Dense Fuzzy Demand Rate . Journal of Advances in Applied & Computational Mathematics, 11, 17–29. https://doi.org/10.15377/2409-5761.2024.11.2


In this project work, we deal with an economic order quantity inventory model of deteriorating items under non-random uncertain demand. Here we consider the customers screen the fresh items during the selling period. After a certain period of time, the deteriorated items are sold at a discounted price. Firstly, we solve the crisp model, and then the model is converted into a fuzzy environment. Here we consider the pentagonal dense fuzzy, trapezoidal dense fuzzy, and triangular dense fuzzy for a comparative study. We have taken the numerical result using LINGO 18.0 software. Finally, sensitivity analysis and graphical illustration have been given to check the validity of the model.



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Copyright (c) 2024 Aparna Maity, Jayeeta Hazra, Karuna K. Pal


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