Numerical Study of Buoyancy Natural Convection in An Open Cavity
Abstract - 158


Natural convection
lattice boltzmann method
open room

How to Cite

M. Almas. (2015). Numerical Study of Buoyancy Natural Convection in An Open Cavity. Journal of Advances in Applied & Computational Mathematics, 2(2), 38–46.


Numerical study of buoyancy natural convection in open building rooms has been performed using Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM). The right wall of the room is open, bottom is hot and the other walls are adiabatic. Numerical results are presented in terms of isotherms, streamlines and average Nusselt number to investigate the effects of various Rayleigh numbers and aspect ratios on heat transfer and fluid flow. It is concluded that as the aspect ratio decreases maximum rate of heat transfer happens when Rayleigh number increases.


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