Determination of Director Angle for Flow Aligning Nematic Liquid Crystals under Couette Geometry
Abstract - 149


Nematic liquid crystals
couette two
ericksen-leslie model

How to Cite

Bagisa Mukherjee. (2016). Determination of Director Angle for Flow Aligning Nematic Liquid Crystals under Couette Geometry. Journal of Advances in Applied & Computational Mathematics, 3(1), 1–3.


We consider steady state flow of nematic liquid crystals in a Couette geometry driven by the relative rotation of the two concentric cylinders. We use the standard Ericksen-Leslie continuum model. The director, a unit vector, represents the average molecular orientation. We assume strong anchoring conditions at the walls of the flow which fixes the director orientation, and find an explicit expression of the director angle as a function of its distance from the common axis of the rotating cylinders.


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