The Methodological Aspect of Development and Application Multivariate Classification G-Mode for Analyses Geochemical Trend
Abstract - 133


geochemical investigation
classification of G-mode
hydrogeochemical zonality.

How to Cite

A.I. Gavrishin. (2014). The Methodological Aspect of Development and Application Multivariate Classification G-Mode for Analyses Geochemical Trend. Journal of Advances in Applied & Computational Mathematics, 1(1), 21–27.


This article is unique G-mode of multidimensional classification method and its application in the analysis of hydrogeochemistry Donetsk basin. He has the following main advantages over other methods of classification: does not require a priori information for classification of observations; earmarks homogeneous observing classes and subclasses; evaluates information weight of each indicator, determines the distance between the homogeneous taxon's; assessment of the descriptiveness of the sign of the classification and others. G-method is widely used to analyze geochemical, environmental, kosmochemical, distance and other types of information. The method successfully used in examining objects, phenomena and processes on Earth, Moon, Mars, Saturn, comets, asteroids and deep space. The results of the use of G-method in analysis of hydrogeological data for the Donetsk basin identified direct and inverse geochemical zonality. This shows that in the region can be discovered oil and gas accumulations.


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Copyright (c) 2014 A.I. Gavrishin


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