Numerical Modeling of Turbulent Flow Inside the Centrifugal Blower
Abstract - 126


Centrifugal blower, turbulent flow, RANS model, angular velocity, hybrid mesh

How to Cite

Majid Almas. (2016). Numerical Modeling of Turbulent Flow Inside the Centrifugal Blower. Journal of Advances in Applied & Computational Mathematics, 3(1), 54–57.


 In this paper, turbulent flow inside the centrifugal blower has been studied numerically. The computational simulation is conducted by employing the Reynolds Averaged Navier­Stokes (RANS) approach. The standard k-ɛ model with enhanced wall treatment has been implemented for modeling the turbulent flow. Effects of different angular velocities have been studied on static pressure and mass flow rate. The numerical results shows that static pressure and mass flow rate significantly increase as the angular velocity of blades increases.


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