Economic Analysis of Residual Tree Damage Following Selective Logging in a Caspian Hardwood Forest
Abstract - 125


Selective cutting, skidding, opportunity cost, replacement cost.

How to Cite

Farshad Keivan Behjou. Economic Analysis of Residual Tree Damage Following Selective Logging in a Caspian Hardwood Forest. Glob. J. Agric. Innov. Res. Dev [Internet]. 2016 Jul. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];3(1):23-7. Available from:


 This study evaluated the logging damage to residual trees following logging operations by opportunity and replacement cost approaches. A total density of 5.1 trees/ha and 17.3m3/ha of wood were harvested. On average, 9.8 trees were damaged for every tree extracted including 8 trees killed or severely damaged. The results of showed that selective cutting can damage residual trees US$47369.25. The results of this study also suggest that logging practices need to be accompanied by close supervision of field personnel and post logging site inspections to be implemented properly.


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