Compare to Planting on Bed and Flad Surface Systems in Wheat and Barley
Abstract - 167


Planting, Bed, Conventional, Barley, Wheat, Biplot.

How to Cite

Enver Kendal. Compare to Planting on Bed and Flad Surface Systems in Wheat and Barley. Glob. J. Agric. Innov. Res. Dev [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];6:1-10. Available from:


The main principle of a bed planting system is basically of sowing crops on beds or ridges instead of sowing on the flat surface. The aim of the study was to compare the new (bed) and traditional planting system for wheat and barley in Southeastern Anatolia Region and to identify and quantify potential grain yield and quality, because this planting system is becoming common in farming areas. On the other hand; it was compared with the cost of sowing, seed, irrigation, chemical struggle, harvest and observed the germination of seeds in both the flat surface and bed systems. Traditional, all agricultural applications were sown in flat surface, but special applications were used in bed planting systems. The study was conducted in Diyarbakir ecological conditions in the 2010-2011 production season. Acording to the combined analysis, significant differences were determined at the level of 1% and 5%, in the planting system, genotype and genotype x planting system interactions in terms of grain yield and quality parameters in wheat and barley. The results showed that grain yield and quality were higher in the conventional method than planting on bed (new) system, but, irrigation, struggle with weeds, disease and pest management, the operation of harvesting can be made more comfortable in the bed planting system than conventional system. According to the result of this study, bed planting system can be applied successfully as economic savings for growers through reduced crop inputs and improved production efficiency in wheat and barley, depending on hard conditions (alternation planting cotton, irrigated areas and when the price of seed is high).


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