Revitalizing Urban Interfaces through Historical Spaces: An Exemplification from the Renovation of Pukou Railway Station Area, Nanjing, China
Abstract - 656


Historical area
Renovation techniques
Urban Space Revitalization
Nanjing Pukou railway station
Fusion of historical and modern elements

How to Cite

Chen Y, Wu Y, Qi Z. Revitalizing Urban Interfaces through Historical Spaces: An Exemplification from the Renovation of Pukou Railway Station Area, Nanjing, China. Int. J. Archit. Eng. Technol. [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 21 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];10:40-59. Available from:


This research delves into the significance and methodological approaches concerning the conservation and regeneration of historical facilities and spaces in contemporary urban environments through the lens of the conservation and regeneration project of the Pukou Railway Station Historic District in Nanjing. The study underscores the imperative of respecting, protecting, and revitalizing historical facilities and spaces. The refurbishment of old facilities, employing the most apt technologies and methods, accomplished a commendable balance between economic investment and efficiency. Respecting all historical textures and contexts is foundational to the preservation of the historical appearance of districts. The project, through the refurbishment of historical buildings and cautious design of new constructions, ensured a harmonious coexistence of old and new elements, thereby enhancing the cultural essence of the historical district architecture. The conservation and regeneration project of the Pukou Railway Station Historic District in Nanjing offers a beneficial case on managing historical facilities and spaces, showcasing how, through rational technical measures and respect for historical context, historical spaces can be revitalized, providing rich cultural and spatial resources for modern cities.


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Copyright (c) 2022 Yuheng Chen, Yanming Wu, Zhou Qi


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