Determining Payback Period and Comparing Two Small-Scale Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Installed at the Top of Residential Buildings
Abstract - 505


Pay-Back period
Ice-Wind turbine
Energy consumption
Residential buildings
Savonius wind turbine


How to Cite

Saleh YAS, Austin MC, Carpino C, Turhan C. Determining Payback Period and Comparing Two Small-Scale Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Installed at the Top of Residential Buildings. Int. J. Archit. Eng. Technol. [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];11:1-16. Available from:


In recent years, residential buildings have seen a notable increase in energy consumption. To address this, it is crucial for researchers to invest in renewable energy technologies, aiming to develop highly sustainable and nearly-zero energy buildings. Many countries are started to commit to this goal, seeking to phase out fossil fuels due to their harmful environmental effects. Wind energy stands out as a promising renewable resource, especially in areas with strong wind patterns. This study focuses on a case in Karaburun, Izmir province, Türkiye, where annual wind speeds range from 6 to 8 m/s and evaluates the performance of two types of small-scale Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs) in reducing energy consumption in a three-story residential building, along with associated costs. Utilizing advanced simulation tools like ANSYS Fluent and DesignBuilder Software, the study examines Ice-Wind VAWTs and Savonius VAWTs. The findings reveal that installing 15 Ice-Wind VAWTs on the building's roof can reduce energy consumption by approximately 22.5%, with each turbine costing about $2000 and a payback period of around 14.57 years. Conversely, using 15 Savonius VAWTs can reduce energy consumption by 36%, with each turbine costing about $2300 and a payback period of around 8.93 years. These results indicate that the Savonius turbine offers a faster return on investment compared to the Ice-Wind turbine under the specified conditions. Overall, this study highlights the significant benefits and cost implications of integrating renewable energy solutions like VAWTs into residential buildings.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Yousif Abed Saleh Saleh, Miguel Chen Austin, Cristina Carpino, Cihan Turhan


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