Dr. Cihan Turhan


Cihan Turhan

Cihan Turhan, Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. | Atılım University | Department of Energy Systems Engineering

Contact Information

06830 İncek, Gölbaşı, Ankara/TURKEY

Email: cihan.turhan@atilim.edu.tr

Tel: +90 312 586 83 38

Honors & Awards

  • Award for SCI Publication by TUBITAK Encouragement Programme for International Scientific Publications, 12.06.2014, TUBITAK-UBYT. NO: 317261
  • Award for SCI Publication by TUBITAK Encouragement Programme for International Scientific Publications, 13.04.2015, TUBITAK-UBYT. NO: 330922
  • Academic Encouragement Award by the Council of Higher Education of Turkey for the year of 2016 (during 2017) (Point: 31.25/100)
  • Academic Encouragement Award by the Council of Higher Education of Turkey for the year of 2017 (during 2018) (Point: 65.40/100)
  • ISIB TURKISH HVAC-R EXPORTERS, Design and Application Competition Finalist 2018, with the project of “Personalized Thermal Comfort Controller” with Prof. Dr. Gülden Gökçen Akkurt

Research Interests

  • Building Energy Efficiency
  • Indoor Thermal Comfort
  • Outdoor Thermal Comfort
  • Artificial Intelligence in Buildings
  • Personalized Systems in HVAC
  • Historic Buildings
  • Intelligent Control in Buildings


  • Numlu, R.H., Turhan, C., Sadigh, B.L., Kılıç, S.E. (2021), Cutting force prediction in ultrasonic-assisted milling of Ti–6Al–4V with different machining conditions using artificial neural network, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 1-12. doi:10.1017/S0890060420000360
  • Turhan, C., Özbey, M.F. (2021), Effect of pre-and post-exam stress levels on thermal sensation of students, Energy and Buildings, 231, 110595
  • Bac, U., Alaloosi, K.A.M. S., Turhan, C. (2021), A comprehensive evaluation of the most suitable HVAC system for an industrial building by using a hybrid building energy simulation and multi criteria decision making framework, Journal of Building Engineering, 37, May 2021, 102153
  • Cihan Turhan, Mehmet Furkan Özbey, Bahram Lotfi, Gülden Gökçen Akkurt (2023), Integration of psychological parameters into a thermal sensation prediction model for intelligent control of the HVAC systems, Energy and Buildings, 296, 113404