Special Issue: Biofumigation 7 Symposium

We are pleased to announce a special issue in the Global Journal of Agricultural Innovation, Research & Development, featuring selected papers from the Biofumigation 7 Symposium. The symposium covered a wide range of topics related to biofumigation and its applications in sustainable agriculture.

This special issue was edited by Dr. Camps Cédric and includes eight articles that provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research in this area. The articles cover various aspects of biofumigation, such as its effectiveness in managing soil-borne diseases, its impact on soil microbial communities, and its potential as an alternative to chemical pesticides. We believe that this special issue will be of great interest to researchers, policymakers, and practitioners interested in sustainable agriculture and biofumigation.

Mohamed Besri
Biofumigation for the Control of Vegetables Soilborne Pathogens in Some non-Temperate Climate Countries
November 15, 2021
Mariel S. Mitidieri , Romina Peralta, Martín Barbieri, Virginia Brambilla, Estela Piris, Verónica Obregón, Pablo A. Vásquez, Liliana Iriarte, Graciela Reybet, Claudio Barón, Marisol Cuellas, Mariana Garbi, Susana Martínez, Paula Amoia, Pablo Delmazzo, María del Huerto Sordo, Enrique Adlercreutz, Analía Puerta
Biofumigation Experiences in Argentina: Short Report
November 15, 2021
Eligio Malusà, Gabriele Berg, Arjen Biere, Anne Bohr, Loredana Canfora, Anne D. Jungblut, Wojciech Kepka, Jutta Kienzle, Peter Kusstatscher, Sylvie Masquelier, Massimo Pugliese, Jaka Razinger, Maria Grazia Tommasini, Nikolay Vassilev, Nicolai Vitt Meyling, Xiangming Xu, Stefano Mocali
A Holistic Approach for Enhancing the Efficacy of Soil Microbial Inoculants in Agriculture: From Lab to Field Scale
November 15, 2021
Robert P. Larkin
Use of Crop Rotations, Cover Crops and Green Manures for Disease Suppression in Potato Cropping Systems
November 15, 2021
Mariel S. Mitidieri, Virginia Brambilla, Martín Barbieri, Estela Piris, Ramón Celié, Eliseo Chaves
Tomato Crop Health, Yield, and Greenhouse Soil Conditions after 17 Years of Repeated Treatments of Biofumigation and Solarization
November 15, 2021
Swann Dalbard, Vincent V. Michel
Efficacy of Different Forms of Green Manure Crops to Reduce Verticillium dahliae in Different Soils
November 15, 2021
J.D. Duff, M.C. Firrell
Biofumigation: A Cover Crop Option 12 Months of the Year to Manage Three Soilborne Pathogens Ailing the Australian Vegetable Industry
November 15, 2021
Oleg Daugovish, Joji Muramoto, Carol Shennan, Margherita Zavatta
Plant-Derived Carbon Sources for Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation in Southern California
November 15, 2021